ROC intro and welcome!

Welcome to (or back to) Athens! And welcome to the ROC blog.  Here, on this site, you’ll find information on what we’re doing (calendar), who we are, where we’re meeting and, perhaps most important, right here at the start of the year, information about our intro pizza party!

As you navigate moving into your residence hall and floor meetings, class schedules and dining hall hours, bookstores and laundromats, here’s a chance to break the routine--before it really gets started! You’re invited to ROC’s introductory pizza party on Sunday, August 26th! It’ll be at 6:00pm in the South Pole on (South Green), after the conclusion of the involvement fair on college green.

You can head over to the South Pole (under Nelson Dining Hall on South Green – see map below or on the right) to get some FREE PIZZA, meet some new friends, learn more about ROC, and find out how you can get involved right now!

We hope you’ll come join us on Sunday (8/26) at 6:00pm in the South Pole!  

We also hope you check out the rest of this blog site.  Contact any of us with questions.  We look forward to meeting you and having you join the ROC community.