August Update

Dodger and Noah with Scott
Shipman from Helping His Hands,
after delivering over 100 disaster
kits prepared at Sr High camp.
As I write these words, people from all over Athens are busy preparing for the return of students and the arrival of the class of 2023. Reach Out on Campus is no exception… the ROC staff and students have been busy reaching out to incoming Freshmen, packing and labeling cookies for our annual cookie outreach, and getting things ready for all the events surrounding move-in weekend.

Speaking of cookies, we are totally blown away by the outpouring of support from our local churches who baked and packaged tons of cookies for us to hand out this weekend. I’ve said it before, but this is such an amazing way to reach out to students. In the midst of the confusion and chaos of move-in (something unfamiliar) we get to hand them something comforting (and familiar) and let them know it’s an expression of Jesus’ love for them. Please be praying for our students as they reach out to their peers this week! We will be at the Campus Gate Thursday and Friday handing out cookies and then at the Involvement Fair on Sunday as well. 

We had a blast fellowshipping with Central Christian Church of Gallipolis last week as we joined them for dinner and cookie packing. Contrary to some rumors you may hear, I only had 2 cookies that night, but it was strictly out of a sense of obligation to quality control. Hahaha. In all seriousness our staff and students had a great evening with Central and together we packaged over 400 bags of cookies! 
Praise God for our friend Hannah's
decision to be baptized. 
As we prepare to welcome new students to OU and into the ROC community, we need your help! Do you know of any students who will be attending Ohio University this fall? We’d love to connect with them. How can you help? Simple, just share our information with them, or better yet, email us at reachohio@gmail.comand share their name(s) and contact information with us. 

This past weekend we got to celebrate the baptism of one of our mission team members, Hannah Faulisi. Hannah is a senior at Eastern High school in Meigs County, and she along with 6 other members of her church joined ROC on our summer mission trip to New Orleans.  It was awesome to see Hannah take this step in her faith. Please join us in praying for her as she continues her walk with Christ. 

We have a long semester ahead of us. I’ve often compared the academic year to a marathon. For ROC staff and students, it’s a long-sustained push, but it’s one that we welcome. Your encouragement, prayers, and support are essential to our perseverance and success. We are looking forward to all the amazing things that God will be doing in and through our community this year and are thankful for your role in making these moments possible.



Part of our NOLA mission team with Hannah following her baptism!