Glorifying Jesus

November 2009 E-update

“Thank you Lord for the incredible, life-changing experiences we have had as a community this quarter. Continue to work through us next quarter as we seek to live for you and glorify Jesus.” This is my paraphrase of a ROC student leader’s prayer during our study break celebration on Monday 11/16/09. It has indeed been an incredible quarter filled with service, outreach, community building and worship.

Several ROC students began the quarter by helping other students move in to residence halls. They continued their service through helping raise money for Habitat for Humanity through the annual “Cardboard City” event. Weekly several students also helped with the Athens Church of Christ Community Meals program and this past month our undergraduate students also provided a meal for the Good Works Friday Night Supper. One response from a student who helped with the Good Works meal was, “I loved the time eating with the folks at Friday Night Supper. Though I thought I would be really uncomfortable, it was a really great time. I want to know if I can just go there anytime.”

Weekly students have also met for worship at Cross Walk as well as spent time together reading, engaging and seeking to apply the scriptures through small groups. Graduate students and faculty have also met weekly and grown in relationships and service. One of the faculty fellowship members, Richard Klabunde, spoke at our fall retreat and has been leading worship times with our graduate students on Monday nights.

Students have stepped outside their comfort zones time and again through these times of service or in reaching out to others through a hot dog give away and holding a Cross Walk on campus rather than in the comfort of the ROC House. This group of students has formed a dynamic solid community that is loving and caring. They have taken strides in their relationships with each other and with Jesus. It has indeed been a wonderful thing to watch, encourage and of which to be part.

Thank you for your prayers for us this quarter as we have sought to be Jesus’ followers together here at OU. Thank you also for your faithful financial support without which we could not continue to dedicate ourselves to these fine people who are together extending Christ’s grace and love to those around them.